39.11 Acres Tillable, Sedgwick County KS ~ SW/4 NW/4, Sec 15-T29-R1E
39.11 +/- Acres Tillable
LEGAL: SW/4 NW/4 EXC West 60 Ft Road, Section 15-Township 29 South-Range 1 East, Sedgwick County KS
LOCATED: South Hydraulic and East 89th Street South (East Side of the Road), Haysville KS
39.32 Acres | 37.82 Acres Tillable | 1.5 Acres Grass (Old Homesite)
Wheat Base: 37.8 Acres | Wheat Yield: 31 PLC
SOIL TYPE: Canadian-Waldeck fine sandy loam
2022 TAXES: $200.98 (Prorated to Date of Closing)
CLOSING: 30 Days
POSSESSION: At closing; No Growing Crops
2% Broker Participation Offered
39.11 Acres Tillable, Sedgwick County, Kansas
Located Near 89th Street South on South Hydraulic, Haysville
Terms and Conditions of Online Only Real Estate Auction
This online only auction is subject to seller confirmation and is a cash sale not contingent on or subject to financing, appraisal, survey, or inspections of any kind, as agreed to by bidders at registration prior to bidding and specified in the Real Estate Purchase Contract.
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Haysville, Kansas 67060
United States